Building the Horsa Glider

Horsa Glider

The Airspeed AS.51 Horsa was a British troop-carrying glider used during WW2 and could carry a maximum  of 30 seated fully equipped trooper. It was also flexible enough  to carry a jeep or OrdananceQF 6-pounder anti tank gun. It was developed and manufactured by Airspeed Limited, together with various subcontractors. It was named after Horsa, the legendary 5th-century conqueror of southern Britain.

The Mark one Mark I had a wingspan of 88 feet and a length of 67 feet, and when fully loaded weighed 15,250 pounds (6,920 kg). Later models could carry more weight, had reinforced flooring and a hinged nose section and double nose wheels to support the extra weight of vehicles. The Horsa was made mainly from woood. This also included the controls. 

Versions: AS.51 Horsa ( I), AS.52 Horsa, AS.53 Horsa, AS.58 ( II)

Building our Horsa Glider

Below are some phots of the Horsa Glider we are re-creating

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